What’s news

Breaking; latest; fake?  What do you think of when you hear the word ‘news’?  Is it simply something that has just happened, or is it something novel, a new idea or initiative never imagined before? 


Perhaps it is a mixture of the two, or something else.  And do we always know what the real news is anyway, when we are not necessarily in possession of all the relevant facts when some event or report first hits the public space?


Some of us are certainly ‘news-hungry’, and ‘news’ of all types is happening all the time but it is often wise to wait before waxing eloquent on everything we hear, as soon as we hear it.  On the other hand, some things have to be addressed as soon as they occur, in order to rectify a wrong, or to act quickly as a response, or to celebrate before the cause for celebration has passed.


As an association of Christians involved in education, we hope that ACT can provide an appropriate voice into this world of news.  We hope to comment on items and events, and to encourage serious reflection, as part of our service to members.  Our priority is to observe and critique the education scene primarily, although some news is relevant to us simply because it impacts young people, not because it has to do with examinations or curricula. 


As such, we are not setting ourselves up as a general news agency, commenting on every issue of the day, but with a primary focus on how a positive Christian worldview plays into the world of education.


In our commentaries, we will seek to ask questions and stimulate thought, rather than laying down a ‘party line’, unless of course there is a clear and unequivocal Biblical principle which speaks into the situation.  We want to hold a position which is free from any single political party opinion, and we want to invite and encourage feedback from members on what we write. 


We also want to encourage members to offer your own pieces for publication on our website.  We want to encourage active reflection on how decisions, events and policies can advance, defend or threaten the expression of a Christian worldview in education.  In doing so, we want to promote respectful, non-partisan debate and thoughtful engagement with important matters which impinge upon our work, and we hope that you will join with us in that spirit of building one another up, not in achieving the opposite.


Together, in that vein, we aim to view “What’s news?” as a means of encouragement, reflection, challenge and empowerment to us all in our roles as salt and light within our individual areas of service.

As a member you’ll be able to leave comments or ask questions on all these articles when you view them on the News section of the platform.

If you’d like become a member you can signup here:


Do tests at age three really predict success at GCSE?


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