Member Focus: Jacob

This month in our Member Focus series, we hear from Jacob.

Hello Jacob! Tell us a little bit about yourself
I’m a student teacher on a PGCE Primary Education program in the North-East and I have just started my first placement. I am married to Sarah, who is currently training to be an art therapist.

What encouragements have you seen as a Christian on your placement/course?
One of my encouragements has been finding other Christians on my course, so we have been able to support each other with advice and prayer.

What challenges are there for Christians on your placement/course?
One of the most challenging things is trying to make sure that my work-life balance is good enough that I can still attend church on a Sunday as well as maintain a healthy prayer life and a solid Bible reading routine.

How can we pray for you in your context?
Because life is so hectic as a student teacher, it is important to be rooted in Church, prayer, and the Bible, but often the workload makes those things difficult. Therefore, prayer for good time management and efficient work habit, so that I can spend quality time with the Lord, would be most welcome!


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European Educators' Christian Association – EURECA